Wednesday, November 14, 2007

School Festivals, Engrish Crub, and 'Phil Cooke and The Pickpockets'

Cuddly trees. 5 foot wide drums. Pikachu. Weird blue cat things that I'm told is called 'Doraemon'. Cross dressing. Me.

Just some of the weird and wonderful things in attendance at both school festivals I was fortunate enough to witness in the last month!

The Junior High School festival was a strange affair. Big Taiko drums I expected, and given the amount of practise that had been going on in the previous weeks, a confident performance by the brass band was always on the cards.

When I came back in the afternoon however and walked in to see a 3rd year student in his baseball kit pretending to pitch into the crowd, I knew it was about to get weird. 15 minutes later, when the whole crowd was shouting at him and he was STILL just pretending to pitch, my suspicions were confirmed. Then came MC Pikachu accompanied by a weird dancing blue cat thing. Then a girl did a dance, and a boy wearing a girl's uniform attempted to copy it REALLY badly. And then at the end there were girls in the crowd crying. I left thoroughly bewildered and in need of a beer.

The primary school festival was slightly less bizarre, and frankly TEEMED with quality given that I was the headline act. It also included a production from my English Club of Hansel and Gretel! As announced at the beginning, written and directed by Mr Cooke. Can't help but think that the Grimm Brothers might deserve a bit more credit but there you go. Anyway their performance was nothing short of MAGNIFICENT, and naturally a video recording has been sent for consideration at next year's academy awards.

This is the bear and the lion, and obviously they are the bear and the lion that were in the original book and not at all just put it in to make sure all the kids had something to say.

Futa and Mayuko aka Hansel and Gretel! Note the empty fridge, nice touch. Although don't know why the Hansel costume involved a baseball cap. Have to say I was really proud of these kids when they were up there performing, I've definitely got more of an idea why people would want to teach in primary schools now. Naturally after that the main event followed, with a stirring rendition of 'norman the lonely bird' and an unncessarily long guitar solo from yours truly.

Never have I performed with a manlier background.

Incidentally pictured is my new Les Paul guitar! And here is my awesome band in full flow!

Working titles include 'Phil Cooke and The Pickpockets', 'The Papples' and 'Foreign Rock Band'.


Phor Phurther musical Ophpherings look out for a Phoreign Rock Band coming to a school phestival near you! Later Phil phans

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I WORE THAT SHIRT!!! =) When are you going to send it to me?

Are all these comments enough proof that I'm reading and paying attention yet?

You should be called The Papples. And I should pose for you, looking sexy, biting a papple. But not like the picture I sent you, where it looked like I was throwing up a tennis ball xxx